About "Ludvigi"

"Ludvigi" is a fictional character name that I use to promote my Photo Art. My real name is Rick A. Ludwig (that's me pictured below).

"Always working, sometimes playing!" - Rick A. Ludwig

I (Rick A. Ludwig) live in Waukee, Iowa (near Des Moines) and I am also a singer, DJ, Karaoke host and Game Show master! I have been entertaining since 1985. I also dabble in website design and computer programming for fun!

With a successful Entertainment company in Central Iowa for over 35 years now, I decided in 2018 to begin traveling more around the United States and taking photos and video footage of some really amazing places and things. I created the character Trip T. Akers to promote the amazing trips I have taken and documented by taking photos and shooting videos.

I created some travel websites...




and www.QuicktripsUSA.com

to help people planning trips across the United States.

In 2022, after multiple people had mentioned that I should sell my Photo Art, I decided to venture into this new artistic endeavor known as My Photos On Your Wall. So, I created Ludvigi, the Photo Artist! I am now selling prints of my photos on mediums of Canvas, Metal and Acrylic. Each of my photos can be printed onto your choice of medium and displayed on a wall in your living room, family room or any room you choose! You choose the photo you wish to have printed, what size, the type (canvas, metal, acrylic, photo with frame, etc...) and I will go to work getting it printed by a professional, 3rd party printing company and they will ship it directly to your address.

I hope you enjoy what you see on this site and if you wish to reach me, you can by the information below. Be sure to order one or more Prints today!. Your support by ordering my Prints help me fund my future trips to take more amazing photos. Thank you again!!!

Even if you do not want a print, you can still help by making a donation at...

VENMO: @Rick-Ludwig-5

OR USE PAYPAL... PayPal.me/RickLudwig
