Alamere Falls, Point Reyes National Seashore, CA CLICK HERE TO SEE OTHER PICTURES Location: Point Reyes National Seashore, CA GOOGLE MAP Date visited: 2/23/22 Length of Falls: 40 feet. Parking: Yes. Unpaved. Hours: Sunrise to Sunset Public Restrooms: Yes. Picnic Area: Yes. Cost: Free. Round-Trip Hiking Distance to Falls: 13.6 miles (w/o shortcut*) *NOTE: Shortcut takes 6 miles off hike, but it's dangerous and not recommended by park officials. Trail Descriptions: Unpaved. Rocky and many hills. Sometimes muddy in a few spots. NOTE: Begin your hike from the Palomarin Trailhead. Trail splits at about 4.2 miles and you will see this sign. I recommend going right on the Coast Trail for 1.3 miles to Wildcat Camp, and upon return bring the Ocean Lake Loop for views of the ocean. It's 5.5 miles to Wildcat Camp from Palomarin Trailhead (starting point). From Wildcat Camp to Alamere falls it's about 1.3 miles one way walking the beach. Please check this page, to make sure you will be hiking during low tide at Point Reyes area. ----------------------------------------------- Stairs: No, but plenty of rocks on the trail and up/down hills. Trail Wheelchair Accessible: No. NOTE: Bring lots of water and snacks! Avoid hot summer months. There is a picnic area at 5.5 miles into the hike at Wildcat Camp. VISIT OTHER CALIFORNIA WATERFALLS DISCLAIMER: This is a Not-For-Profit informational website. It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain this site, in addition to web hosting and web domain annual fees. So if you would like to make a personal donation to help defer expenses, please do so using Venmo: @rick-ludwig-5 or Paypal: and thank you for your support!!!
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